"NaNo's coming soon. I'm starting to think about it," my faithful, trusty, six-year, started-in-NaNo writing partner replied. Of course, Sarah from Headquarters has been in touch, and I woke up this morning thinking about my project for this year. But having someone else say to me, "It's almost NaNo" made it real in a way that emails and morning thoughts hasn't.
This morning at 7 AM I settled into my hard chair at my local coffee shop for my regular Sunday writing date. I asked our usual question: What are you working on today?
"NaNo's coming soon. I'm starting to think about it," my faithful, trusty, six-year, started-in-NaNo writing partner replied.
I didn't say it, but I thought, "Eek."
Of course, Sarah from Headquarters has been in touch, and I woke up this morning thinking about my project for this year. But having someone else say to me, "It's almost NaNo" made it real in a way that emails and morning thoughts hasn't. It's almost November.
To be fair, not really. There are nearly two months left. But it is time to decide which project I'll work on--Medieval mystery or the third book in the Knowing series. And once I've decided, I'll need to start planning. I'm a planster (planner + pantser). I make some plans but don't marry them. My project can develop with a clear outline, but I can diverge from that outline where I need to.
And I need to start living in that world, or at least be ready to live in that world. If I choose to do the third of my Knowing series, then this October would be a good time to work some more on the Seeing revisions. If I choose to live in Medival France, then October will be full of translations and research. Even when I approached my novels by the seat of my pants, I needed this immersion before November to help get me ready to dive right into 1667 words a day. So, it's time to think about making some decisions.
I have a lot to keep me busy. But I'll set the pot full of ideas on that back burner and turn the gas on low so that it can start to bubble away.
What are you doing to get ready? What can we here as your MLs or on the NaNoWriMo site do to help.
See you in November.
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