Sunday, November 29, 2015

NaNo 15: Making Promises

What comes after our 30 days and nights of literary abandon?  A promise to revise, of course.  
Somewhere in the middle of this novel I was looking for inspiration, and I found a video interview of Kate DiCamillo that I’d never seen before. (Which is strange because I’m her biggest fan.)
I was feeling like my novel was really a steaming mess of poop and that it was time to throw in the towel. (I know, I know, “The first draft of anything is shit.”—Earnest Hemingway. Where did that sign go?)
I had poems to write, and they are always sweeter when I first look at them than novels are. I had chapbooks to organize. Contests to enter. Poems to submit. And what about those essay ideas. All of those things were much more interesting than this awful, unplanned, hot mess of a novel I was working on.
But then I saw Kate, and yet again, she changed my life. In the interview, she said that she generally writes two single-spaced pages a day. I write for kids, so for me that’s about 1,400 words a day (pretty close, right?) Then she made the life changing comment. When she revises, she also revises two pages a day. But, get this, they are double-spaced. So it takes her twice as long to revise as it does to write.
Here's the link to the video:
Now, if you’re keeping track, this is my sixth NaNo novel. I’ve done serious revision on two of them, and probably it took me twice as long to revise as it did to write. But I thought that was just me. I thought I was such an awful writer that I had to spend an extra long time on revision.
But Kate has won two Newbury Awards. She’s a genius. She tells stories I wish I could tell. Doesn’t it just flow for her? Aren’t her drafts prettier than mine? Nope, probably not. Not if she has to take twice as long to revise.
So, I gave myself permission (again) to write a really awful book with huge plot holes, unanswered questions, inconsistencies, and factual errors (it’s historical fiction). And then, my writing got easier.
I’m going to finish this. Then I’m going back to my poem a day practice in December and I’m going to let my novel sit quietly under my bed (which is where newly created novels love to live). I’m going to start trying to answer, one at a time, the nearly three hundred questions I’ve written down, things I must know to tell my story true. And come January, I’ll begin to slowly dive back in to find the heart of my novel and then I’ll work, page by page (no more than two a day, Kate says), to make my novel the best story it can be.
The mantra of my dream agency (they represent Kate) is “The world owes you nothing; you owe the world your best work.” So, in the new year, I’ll settle in to make this NaNo novel disaster the best work that I can make it.
I hope you’ll join me. The journey has really only just begun.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

NaNo 15: Thankful

Happy getting ready for Thanksgiving Day.
Some of you have finished. Yay, you. I hope you took some time to do a huge happy dance of your choice or at least wiggled your tush a little in your chair.
Some of you are almost there. Yay, you and me. We've got this. What a wonderful excuse you have to bow out of tense Thanksgiving festivities early.   Give yourself the time it takes to write 1,667 (or 2,500 or 5,000) words for the next few days. You can finish this. See my earlier Pep Talk for some things to try or check out the pep talks and videos for this week for some fresh inspiration.
Some of you have a long way to go. Life got in the way. That’s okay. Give yourself permission to fail. If I had not failed to complete my project the first year, I wouldn’t have known what to do to be able to get my projects done for the last six years (No Plot, No Problem was a big help to me that second year.) You’ve still got more words than you started with. And you have some idea about what made things hard for you so that next year you can line up sitters, get rose-colored glasses, read some books on character or plot development, and prepare your family for your November marathon.
No matter where you are in this year’s journey, enjoy it. Maybe get up early with me (6 am) and write tomorrow to get the words out of the way before you have to cook. Find some time to give to your novel, treat it like a beloved member of your family this Thanksgiving, and give thanks to your muse, to your words, to the teachers who have helped nourish and inspire you, and to your own self for having the courage to set off on this journey and see it through this far (no matter how far you are).
I’m thankful that you are right here with me.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

NaNo 15: Competing and Winning

If you're like me, a bit competitive, this whole hullabaloo about winning may be making you nervous.  After all, you've (I've) been chugging along, doing the work, and you're (I'm) still over 10,000 words from winning.
I'm write on track.  But some of my buddies are changing colors before my eyes and getting winner exclamations posted below their photos. I'm writing just what I need to to win, about 1,667 words a day every day.  I will win, but I'm not first.  Wah. 
Okay, crying is over.  Now, I'll celebrate those friends who have caught fire this year and finished their words, sometimes over 100,000 before the deadline.  I'm impressed.  I'm awed.  And I'm just a little bit jealous.  But I can still celebrate all the winning taking place around me.  It's amazing to be a part of this organization and this challenge.  
And I am going to win.  Even if I don't write another word.  I will have won.  I've made great progress on my historical novel despite my poor planning.  I've learned more about my period.  And I've put in 4-6 hours of writerly work nearly every day this month.  This is the life I want to live.  The life of a working writer.  
Of course, it helps that my youngest is off at college and doing well.  It helps that my office trailer was delivered and it's all set up.  It helps that my husband likes to cook and clean.  It helps that I have not had any consulting work this month.  It helps that I've been working all year to get to this point.  But what really helps is that I set that intention.  I aimed at 50,000 words plus continuing other projects and submitting other work.  And I'm hitting that mark.  
Even if I didn't write another word, I'd be a winner.  But I'm here, warming up with this little message at my Sunday morning writer's date, and I'll get at least 1,667 words in today.  I'll tell more of my protagonist's story.  I'll throw in another red herring, I'll have my character have a little more conflict with her mother and her own heart, and I'll have her learn something important even though she won't yet know it's important.  I'm writing to the end of the project.
And somewhere on the way, I'll hit 50,000 words, and I'll post them on  I'll get my purple badge and order my shirt.  Then I'll wake up on Dec. 1 and continue writing. I hope you will, too.
Remember, even if you've only written 500 words, you've still written more than you would have without the challenge, so color yourself a winner.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

NaNo 15: Sticking Past the Middle

Heather Sellers, in her book Chapter after Chapter, talks about a phenomenon that often assails me as I get into the sticky middle of my current book.  She calls it the "sexy new book" lure.  Maybe you're feeling that lure.  It's like the seven-year itch for writers.  And getting through it requires the same things that getting through the "sexy new" lures that might arise seven years into a relationship: commitment and fun. 

You're here, you've got the commitment part down.
And if you read Charlaine Harris' Pep Talk then you may have some idea as to how to inject a little fun, Post-It Notes, anyone?

This year, I've been using two other tools that have helped me keep going even when the going gets rough: Story Cubes and Fiction Magic.  What these tools have in common is that they ask me to think of new ways to see what happens next.  I like that I have these tools, but you don't really need them.  

Instead, you can think of your favorite book or character and play the "What would Sookie do?" or "What would Dresden do game?" Or, even better, "What would Harris do?" or "What would Butcher do?"  

What do your favorite characters do and what do your favorite writers do just when things start to seem too predictable?  

Does the character get into a situation where what she values is in conflict with what she needs to do to save the day?

Does your writer up the tension with a plot twist?

How does your favorite writer up the ante for the character you love?

How does your favorite character get herself in trouble and back out again?

The answers to these questions will help you find the way to the next 1,667 words.  

This year, the mug I'm using has a quote on it from Cheryl Strayed "Be brave enough to break your own heart."  I do that by putting my character into terrible situations that I'm not sure she can get out of.  And then it's easy to write the next 1,667 words.  

Keep writing.  Even 500 more words is 500 more words than your story had before you sat down to write.  

Saturday, November 7, 2015

NaNo 15: Double, Double

You know the rest.  Though I hope your month so far is free of toil and trouble.  I'd like to say that donating today on Double Up Donation day would ensure that your month continues without either, but I can't promise that. 
What I can promise you is that by donating today, you'll be supporting a life-changing organization (and you'll be able to write it off on your taxes).  You'll also get $50 of donation goodies for the price of $25.  
But what about that life-changing bit?  Really, writing is life changing. It makes people without a voice feel heard.  It helps people find the truth about their lives and heal from old wounds.  It helps us feel connected to one another.  It creates lifetime friendships.  Research says that if you're friends with someone for five years, it's likely to last for a lifetime. This is the sixth year that I've been writing NaNo with friends, so I'm calling it for a lifetime.
NaNo taught me that I could do what I set out to do. It taught me to show up for my craft everyday.  It taught me that getting words on paper was just the beginning.  NaNo has changed my life.  For that, it's worth donating.  But I donate so that the Office of Letters and Light can stay open to bring more of this life-changing mojo to schools, community centers, and libraries.  I donate because I believe in the value of stories. 
And I donate because I look really cute with a halo.  I hope you'll join me, even if you can't afford $25, donate the price of a cup of coffee, or the change you find under your car seat. And donating improves your chances of finishing, so it's worth at least a few bucks, right?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

NaNo 2015: Writing to Unstuck

It's only Day Five, but already I'm wondering if I picked the right project for this year.  I didn't do enough research.  My character development is shockingly gaunt, and I'm wondering how I'll get beyond the first act. 

But I've been here before.  See my post from a little later last year.  This week two slump (distressingly early this year) is something that's dogged me since my first Nano try seven years ago.  I didn't succeed that first year, but I've made it through every other year.  I'm telling you this so you'll have some tools to make it through, too.  Here, then, are ten tips to making it to Week Three and beyond.

10.  Chocolate. Of course, keep the chocolate close by so you don't have to get up from your computer to get it. Keep your butt in the chair and write until you've got your daily word count in.

9. Can't forward the plot.  Go to the end of a document and do a little character development or think of something awful you can do to your protagonist to raise the stakes. 

8.  Take your character on a walk.  Have her meet someone interesting who can introduce some new plot element. You might take yourself on a walk, too.  Or meet writing friends for a writing date. 

7.  Feed your character.  Admit it, all your chocolate is gone. There's nothing for you to eat within arm's reach, set your character down for a meal--let the conversation advance your plot.

6.  Put your character to bed.  Let him dream something that enhances the theme without giving anything away, plant seeds for later. 

5.  Plant image seeds for later.  Is there something that's important to understanding your book's theme, what picture brings it up for you.  Throw a little visual or aural image in that will resonate later on.  Not sure what that image is since your a pantser, write an image that feels compelling to your character.  Don't be surprised when it comes back later. 

4. What's the threshold, where does the character move from the known into the unknown in your novel.  Has she already moved beyond it.  If not, now's the time!

3. Is there a villain or an annoyance you can throw at your character?  If it's a mystery, is there a red herring you can introduce?

2. Does your character know what she really wants?  If you think so, give her something else to desire and let her feell torn between the two things.

1.  Don't give up.  Sit in the chair.  Remember, "The first draft of anything is shit" --E. Hemingway.  So let your 2nd week (even if it starts too early, ugh) pile up loads of dung-like words into your document.  Let go the image of successful writers who write brilliant first drafts.  They don't exist in reality.  Let your first draft be a beautiful mess, but let your first draft be. 

0.  Find a Write In and go write.  (Put earphones in if it's a talkative one and revel in the fact that you're the dedicated one writing and not chatting.)  Don't leave until you've done 1667 words.