Thursday, October 29, 2015

NaNo 2015: The Power of Intention

Over five years ago, a friend and I came up with a list of twenty wishes and then we made dream sheets for each wish.  When my beautiful 20 foot 1963 Avion office trailer was delivered in September, I checked item #15 off that list.  I pulled the little dream notebook I'd made out and moved that decorated page to done.  I still have those things I can't control in my notebook--getting my novel published is one of those things and I've decided that two of the things on that list don't really matter to me in the same way now, so I'm letting them go.  
But just a little over five years ago, I set some powerful intentions. I've made most of them (call me Fairy Godmother if you will) come true for myself.  
I've finished yoga teacher training. I've competed in road races. I've backpacked for miles and miles.  I've also written hundreds of poems (and published quite a few), finished three novels, a poetic memoir, and two self-help/memoir books that are uncategorizable.  I've done a lot of other things, too.  
And I have my beautiful trailer all ready in my backyard to give me solitude, a large second screen for writing, and a hot pot for making tea and coffee.  
The woman I was is envious of the woman I am now (especially the trailer part--over twenty years in the dreaming, squeal).  I still have a lot of work to do, but those things that I set out to do with intention and dedication, I've done. 
Now, I'm ready to check another thing off.  The novel I'm writing this November isn't on my list, but it's another step towards that published book.  I'm still headed towards some of those other goals, and I've let go of one or two of them and replaced them with other things. I'm still dreaming.
So, what do you intend.  Will you let yourself picture that little bar at the bottom of the word processor that says you've written 50,000 words?  Will you give yourself the time to meet your intentions?  Will you join me in making (y)our own wishes and dreams come true? 
 I intend to finish this novel, though I don't quite feel ready to begin it. I hope you'll join me. 

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