Thursday, November 26, 2015

NaNo 15: Thankful

Happy getting ready for Thanksgiving Day.
Some of you have finished. Yay, you. I hope you took some time to do a huge happy dance of your choice or at least wiggled your tush a little in your chair.
Some of you are almost there. Yay, you and me. We've got this. What a wonderful excuse you have to bow out of tense Thanksgiving festivities early.   Give yourself the time it takes to write 1,667 (or 2,500 or 5,000) words for the next few days. You can finish this. See my earlier Pep Talk for some things to try or check out the pep talks and videos for this week for some fresh inspiration.
Some of you have a long way to go. Life got in the way. That’s okay. Give yourself permission to fail. If I had not failed to complete my project the first year, I wouldn’t have known what to do to be able to get my projects done for the last six years (No Plot, No Problem was a big help to me that second year.) You’ve still got more words than you started with. And you have some idea about what made things hard for you so that next year you can line up sitters, get rose-colored glasses, read some books on character or plot development, and prepare your family for your November marathon.
No matter where you are in this year’s journey, enjoy it. Maybe get up early with me (6 am) and write tomorrow to get the words out of the way before you have to cook. Find some time to give to your novel, treat it like a beloved member of your family this Thanksgiving, and give thanks to your muse, to your words, to the teachers who have helped nourish and inspire you, and to your own self for having the courage to set off on this journey and see it through this far (no matter how far you are).
I’m thankful that you are right here with me.

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